I dream.

Alexander Farah
2 min readNov 8, 2023

I dream of a world, where the rights of Palestinians shall not be infringed upon; where they can work, play, love, and live, in pure freedom, not fearing subjugation or occupation, nor killing and displacement.

I dream of a world where the Jewish people are no longer subjected to antisemitism, where it is a thing of the past, humanity’s oldest prejudice now humanity’s dead prejudice.

I dream of a day where Arabs are not afraid, nor questioned, when they are speaking their own language in public, where off-shooting looks no longer exist, and non-speakers learn that ‘Allah’ means God and that they — no, we- believe in God too.

I dream of a day where the perception of Jews as greedy, snivelling, world-controlling monsters is not the norm, but the horrific and nonexistent fringe, that they may practice their business without constant accusations of world domination and global dominance.

I dream of a time that Muslims are not subjected to widespread Islamophobia and bigotry, that they may be seen as equal; people who wish to live their lives as anyone else, and not to be lumped alongside terror groups, to which they should bear no responsibility for their actions.

I dream of a time where Jews can live in peace, not in constant fear of their existence, and denial of their history; so that we can at the same time forever acknowledge the barbarity of the Holocaust, and swear to never allow anything like it to happen again to anyone.

I dream of a morning where we can all wake up and love our neighbours, to ask how they were, how they are, regardless of the makeup of their skin, flesh, and blood, and regardless of their race, colour, or creed.

